Someone has always half-completed the crossword in American Way magazine
The songs on my ipod haven’t been updated for a very long time
Dancing with the Stars is just soooo inanely boring
I always have to pay to watch any good movie despite dropping $100 a month with the cable operator…
I just can’t haul my myself down to the gym at 7.00am
Beer makes me fat
Staplers always jam up
I always forget an umbrella
People are only nice when they want something
Kiefer Sutherland is in jail after saving the world 6 times
CNN is the only 24-hours news program in the US
Baseball players are professional spit-artists?
Tony Blair resigned for that Gordon Brown guy?
Cricket-supporters are always drunk
I use Twitter to find out what people are having for lunch
Taxi drivers are always on the phone
Lou Dobbs always uses that “how dare you disagree with me” tone
John McCain’s mom reminds me of one of the Golden Girls
Posted in : Absolutely Meaningless Comedy
Why is it that he’s been President for 8 years?