What do you do all day at work?


Loved this post from Mark Stelzner’s Inflexion Point….

Are you wasting time at work?  According to the results of the latest Salary.com 2007 Wasting Time Survey, you probably are. In fact, employees waste approximately 20% of a typical 8.5 hour work day. And guess what – younger employees (ages 20-29) waste anywhere between 10-25% more time than their older colleagues.

So what exactly are employees doing?
* Using the internet for personal needs (34.7%)
* Socializing with coworkers (20.3%)
* Conducting “personal business” (17%)

And why do they do it?
* They don’t have enough work to do (17.7%)
* Their hours are too long (13.9%)
* They are underpaid (11.8%)
* Their work isn’t challenging (11.1%)

Personally, I thought the British went down the pub after lunch, while the Yanks spent all their time in boring meetings eating pizza….maybe times have changed?


   Mark Stelzner… he knows what you’re up to all day

Posted in : HR Strategy

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