HfS welcomes Jyoti Banerjee to educate the services industry on why today’s top businesses are also the top sustainability performers


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Nostalgic about that old “Green Issue”, when people actually cared about the impending environmental apocalypse, before the banks crashed and attention dramatically turned to protecting our corporate income? Remember when we proceeded to bail ourselves out, and then stashed the debt with our next generation to figure out how to repay it? 

Well, the same is happening to our environment, if our businesses continue to fail to take measures to rollout effective sustainability strategies. While finding a way to repay the Chinese is one thing, repaying our environment, our wildlife and our atmosphere is not nearly as reversible.

To this end, we’re seeing hard evidence that today’s most successful business are also the better sustainability performers. So what can we do to encourage business leaders to be sustainably-smart as they redefine their global operations strategies? It’s high-time for organizations to get smart about their sustainability performance and their overall carbon footprint – and some are already enjoying significant tax-breaks for complying with targets set by environment directives – however most, sadly, are not.

Meanwhile, some of today’s top outsourcing providers are also sensing the opportunity to help their clients meet carbon targets.  Sustainability is quickly becoming one of those areas where organizations can benefit much more from a third-party with all the knowledge and compliance practices they need to improve sustainability performance. As with anything that involves regulations and compliance measures – what is the advantage of doing this yourself when someone else can help you do it faster, smarter and can ultimately save you more money?

Jyoti Banerjee is HfS Research Fellow covering sustainability and corporate responsibility strategies (click for bio)

We recognize the urgent need for businesses to source a sustainability plan, and are delighted to announce that Jyoti Banerjee has joined us as a Research Fellow to help educate our industry on the sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) issues impacting us today.  I have personally known Jyoti for sixteen years, since was my boss at a UK-based accounting IT consultancy called Tate Bramald Consultancy.  My role was to help run their research practice, where we supported the British government with understanding the (then) impending Y2K crisis among other scintillating projects that scared the world into upgrading their creaking finance systems.

Since those heady days, when he has not been busy with his cricket and being a Dad, Jyoti has founded some of Europe’s leading ERP magazines and consulted for a host of leading software providers, in addition to leading a number of IT initiatives for the European Commission. More recently, he has been busy working on a number of projects in the sustainability space, including the specification and creation of one of the world’s first CSR reporting products, and the ground-up conception and specification of a sustainability management software application. Today, he is partner for Fronesys, a just-launched new sustainability advisory boutique, where he will be imparting his wisdom with HfS on sustainability and corporate social responsibility topics as they relate to global sourcing.  Over to you Jyoti for a few words…

Six Reasons Why Sustainability Matters To Today’s Businesses

Thanks Phil and HfS Research for agreeing to help us showcase these critical sustainability issues to industry.  HfS has developed a tremendous platform for the global services industry, and I am proud to be part of the extended research team.

All-in-all, there’s too much floss around when it comes to sustainability. I want companies to understand their environmental, social and governance impact, and tie that impact to the techniques and metrics they are accustomed to using when making business decisions. It’s all about sustainability, built on hard data, and material to the business performance of the organisation.

If a CEO’s pronouncements were all the evidence we needed that a business was doing something, then sustainability would be top of the strategy charts. In practice, for most companies, word and deed diverge. So how can companies get their deeds to match their words? And really, why should they bother? In our first HfS RAPIDInsight, we lay out six compelling reasons why companies have to get their sustainability actions to speak at least as loudly as their words.

And for all those who don’t care about sustainability at all, just remember this: the best sustainability performers make more money than the worst performers. So it makes terrific financial sense to be wise about business.

Don’t believe me? Check out all six reasons in full, and download your complimentary HfS RAPIDInsight:  

“Six Reasons Why Sustainability Matters To Today’s Businesses”

Posted in : Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), Outsourcing Heros, Procurement and Supply Chain, Sourcing Best Practises, sourcing-change

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