IBM changes leadership just in time to survive in today’s punishing IT services market
Gini Rometty, the queen of Big Blue is stepping down after a turbulent few years at the helmRead More
Sticking to his Nitin
Phil Fersht interviews Mphasis CEO Nitin RakeshRead More
2017: The year of the “BandAid Economy” as the new digital world gets smarter and the old one just gets dumber
2017 will be the year of the “BandAid Economy” as legacy businesses fizzle out and smart digital businesses emergeRead More
CSC stakes its claim to prosper in the new IT services ecosystem
CSC has struck out in a new direction sketching out a long-term position as a “service integrator” and laying out a cloud strategy that goes beyond the usual hype. The real test is whether CSC can channel its pricing and engagement models, its service management frameworks and—critically—its sales team in the same direction as the new IT services ecosystem emerges. This HfS RAPIDInsight sets out the HfS Research take on CSC’s strategy; what is needs to make it work, and what it means for customers.Read More
New HfS Report – Desperately Seeking Innovation in BPO: Enterprises Speak Out
Innovation is now the critical ingredient for most buyers of Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) services –unequivocally proven by a new HfS Research study of 588 shared services and outsourcing executives. This report dives into the experiences and expectations of today’s enterprise BPO buyers when it comes to achieving innovation, and offers actionable recommendations for devising a strategy to improve their innovation agenda with their BPO endeavor. Read More
New HFS Horizons Report! Retail banks aggressively pursue new forms of value
The HFS Horizons Report: The Best Service Providers for Retail Banks, 2023 assesses how well service providers are helping their retail banking clients embrace innovation and realize value across three distinct horizons: Digital, Experience, and Growth.Read More
Holy Moly… It’s Rajan Kohli!
Rajan Kohli was promoted to lead iDEAS for Wipro in the recent re-org by CEO Thierry Delaporte... he talks to Phil Fersht about his new role and ideas for the industryRead More
Leaders embracing an infinite mindset can flourish during these times
With no defined time horizon, no clearly-defined rules, and with players that may enter and exit at any time, the primary objective of an infinite game is quite simply to keep playingRead More
No longer that great? The USA’s stagnation is spurring genuine global innovation, with data and AI at the core
All good things happened in America – it’s where dreams were hatched and made real. Fast-forward to present day and a new playing field being leveled for the next creation of wealth where data and AI is at thRead More
Has the IT services biz reached its tipping point as the Digital OneOffice emerges?
Q3 2017 showed real signs of improvement in the services business, “new style” engagements are driving more growth than the legacy is sucking out of the market.Read More