New-generation HRO: a reverse maturity curve?
We sent our HRO diva, Mindy Blodgett, out to investigate where some of the leading minds are focusing in this post-recession environment, and her first port of call was with Erica Volini, one of Deloitte Consulting's leading Principals in the HR transformation field... Read More
The new relentless economy: why it’s time to stop being scared
People are scared right now – they feel threatened and are struggling to visualize where their careers are heading, where their organizations are heading, where the economy is heading. But why be scared? Shouldn’t we be filled with hope with this revitalized quest for improvement? Read More
How could you fall for it again!
After last year's now infamous "Obama to ban offshore outsourcing" April Fool's gag, we didn't suspect that even more of you would fall hook line and sinker for this year's little effort. Read More
A thundering week in Orlando!
Thanks for all of you who helped support the first public appearance of the Horses for Sources research organization in the lovely Orlando last week for SSON's "Shared Services and Outsourcing Week" event, which achieved over 900 delegates Read More
Coulter tackles Justice
Among the regulars we all expect to see such as IBM, Accenture and CapGemini, was KPMG. KPMG? Yes, and represented by Cliff Justice. Cliff is KPMG’s new US Leader, Shared Services and Advisory. This isn’t the first time that a major accounting services firm has placed a bet on getting into the shared services and outsourcing advisory business Read More
Is a “private cloud” an oxymoron?
The term "private cloud" is a misleading way of describing hosted services. In fact, it is an oxymoron. It is a term that is used by providers of hosted services in order to hold onto lucrative contracts and prevent the loss of customers to companies that provide public cloud services Read More
What’s that noise? Is it Donald Sutherland… or the delicate sound of thunder?
Cloud's not simply about outsourcing the heavy-duty computing grunt - it's about the delivery of real business services, enabled by the applications needed to support them, and powered by the requisite computing and network infrastructure to host and deliver them. Moreover, Cloud computing represents a crucial next layer of cost-elimination from the corporate infrastucture. While many moons off being actual reality, the seeds have been planted and we see entire industries scurrying to develop applications, datacenters and managed services to support it. Read More
Why innovation in global business operations is critical for survival
We would argue that achieving innovation in the global support operations of businesses, is often the only lever most firms can pull to remain competitive in this economy. In most cases, it’s not enterprises' products and services that have to change, but the speed and efficiency with which they can adapt to the changing environment, that now provides the competitive edge. Read More
The sourcerers of Savannah
it's not too late to make the trip to the charming Georgian town of Savannah for next week's Global Sourcing Summit. The Horses will also be present, co-leading session on Cloud Computing Delivery with Mayer-Brown, in addition to hosting an all-star panel entitled "The Future State of the Sourcing Industry: what the future holds, and how on earth we can manage it better" Read More