HfS Research aligns with the stars with Ray Wang
Today, Ray announced the launch of a very exciting new research venture entitled Constellation Research, which comprises a collection of really smart and remarkable individuals and friends who are - quite literally - changing the way market research and insight is being served up to the technology buyer. HfS Research is delighted to be the alliance partner of IT sourcing and BPO research to Constellation's buy-side community, where we'll be cross-pollinating some research with each other and coollaborating to help educate the sourcing buyer make better decisions. Read More
Benchmarker Beware!
Benchmarking is a misused and misunderstood tool in outsourcing. Almost everybody’s contract has a provision for benchmarking, and in almost all cases is drives the wrong behavior for both parties Read More
Service Integration: Guy Fawkes fireworks or damp squib?
As HfS Research's Euan Davis readies for his annual trip to a bonfire, he muses on fireworks--municipal ones and the type he expected at a session about service integration last night, at PA Consulting Group’s SSON networking evening Read More
Phil and Esteban—Desperately Seeking Innovation
What are you desperately seeking? Rosanna was Desperately Seeking Susan. Phil and Esteban? If you know them like we do, you know they're Desperately Seeking Innovation. Read More
A healthcare BPO summit… with Sumit
Healthcare has been on everyone's minds in the US, in the wake of the acrimonious legislative fight and with the recent elections. And when any industry gets the squeeze, us sourcing-folk immediately think "hmmm, will they now do some outsourcing... Read More
Deborah Kops, delightful doyenne and describer, joins the HfS research family
Over the next year, you’ll be able to sample some of the most innovative thinking in sourcing change through Deborah Kops' frequent columns and commentary exclusively for HfS Research Read More
The Industry Speaks about Cloud, Part I: Business execs are buying-in to Cloud even more than their IT counterparts
Cloud Business Services are no longer hype - both business and IT executives are buying-into the value Cloud can bring to their jobs and their organizations. The ability to access business applications quicker, faster, cheaper and in a virtual business environment are the major drivers - and it's the business side of the house which is even more engaged by the potential value that the IT-side. Read More
Outsourcing – death by boredom?
HfS Research will be talking Cloud-sourcing in London this November
You'll have a chance to see HfS Research's European research lead, Euan Davis, up close on November 18 at the IIAR London Forum in Central London from 3:45 – 6:30 pm. The session isubbed the "Cloud," and Euan will be giving the HfS Research view of the Cloud, based on brand-spanking new data our joint study with the London School of Economics, which covered the views and intentions of 1043 companies. Read More
Up in the air with Ritesh Idnani… Part III
In the final chapter of our interview with Infosys COO Ritesh Indnani, he elaborates on communication and interaction, and how our industry can rapidly improve collaboration through social media. Read More