• Tread Carefully Through Europe

    November 24, 2010 |

    Buyers care where their providers are because stability, talent pool, infrastructure and the business and legal environment, determine how successful the relationship is going to be. Central and Eastern Europe is a fragmented region where cost, quality and scale varies. Read More

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  • Cutting to the chase with Capgem’s Chris Stancombe

    November 19, 2010 |

    Did you hear that one about the British geophysicist who became an accountant, ran an African engineering business, has been a COO, CIO and CFO, before winding his way into the sourcing business with Accenture, and subsequently Capgemini, where he helped jump-start their BPO business? Today, Chris Stancombe has worked in BPO for nearly a decade, and now heads Capgemini's Global Finance and Accounting Outsourcing practice. Read More

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  • Meeting even those simple metrics can sometimes be a challenge…

    November 18, 2010 |

    even your granny could have put that one away... Read More

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  • Outsourcing: no fun for the soon forgotten

    November 18, 2010 |

    Outsourcing is the only business change I know where employees are told their jobs are moving offshore, yet they are expected be good really sports and continue to process checks/answer calls/manage claims until the day they are escorted out the door, personal effects in arms. And our managers think their “restructuring” tasks are over, and it’s on to making sure the transition doesn’t go pear-shaped. Read More

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  • The social sourcing train is leaving the station. Are you on it?

    November 17, 2010 |

    People are increasingly demanding their daily serving of content served up in more digestible and less headache-inducing chunks, as our latest industry-wide study reveals, where more than 1000 study participants across the sourcing industry have voiced the increasing importance of blogs and social media as one of their preferred learning tools for Cloud Business Services. Read More

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  • “Honestly, history tells us the act of outsourcing doesn’t save money…” Gartner Group

    November 15, 2010 |

    This morning I nearly choked on my cornflakes to the incredible revelation in CIO.com from analyst firm, Gartner Group, that outsourcing doesn't save money. Read More

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  • The speculation over Genpact’s future spells crunch-time for the future of BPO

    November 14, 2010 |

    Serious questions are now being asked of the leading service providers jostling for marketshare and position in the BPO business. Some providers are growing frustrated, and beginning to question whether they got their approach to BPO right. And the current speculation over Genpact ‘s future is forcing many of the BPO wannabes to gaze deeply into their navels to decide whether they want to get really serious about BPO. There's been a lot of chest-beating, a lot of marketing, a lot of huff and puff right across the industry... now's the time to see who's really going to step it up. Read More

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  • Get your governance right in 15 minutes with Stan and Esteban

    November 12, 2010 |

    Still struggling to find that right governance model? Well you'll probably still be after listening to this, but they'll at least validate all the things that you should be doing, which you know you should probably doing, and are probably not, for whatever reason, but would love to if you could just get your boss to listen to you. Read More

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  • The Industry Speaks about Cloud, Part II: business execs fear its impact on work culture; IT execs doubt their ability to drive competitive advantage

    November 11, 2010 |

    The Cloud Business Services study we just conducted, in conjunction with the Outsourcing Unit at the London School of Economics, has served up some contrasting concerns that business executives are having versus their IT counterparts: its impact on work culture and it's impact on the value of the current IT department. Read More

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  • Mahindra Satyam eyes big comeback

    November 10, 2010 |

    While the rest of the outsourcing world has been carrying on through challenging times, the most challenged of its citizens, Mahindra Satyam, has been quietly rebuilding a global business under the charismatic and candid leadership of Atul Kunwar. Read More

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