Make sure you don’t lose control when you outsource your global business portfolio…
Make sure you don't lose control when you outsource your global business portfolio Read More
Happy birthday, Dodd-Frank!
Please join us in wishing Dodd-Frank “Happy Birthday.” This is the largest financial reform act in U.S. history, amassing 884 pages when it was finally signed in 2010, designed to enforce the most significant changes to financial regulation in the United States since the regulatory reform that followed the Great Depression. Read More
Doctor Disruptive joins HfS to lead Social Business research
Global business practices are starting to become disrupted in ways that is shocking many firms into retrenching, while others are realizing they have little choice but to embrace the change, otherwise get left behind. Jonathan Yarmis, aka "Doctor Disruptive" has crafted a trade where he combines an intimate knowledge of technology, media and global business dynamics to bring to you a unique research practice dedicated entirely to covering the impact that social media and disruptive technologies are having on global business dynamics and operations. Read More
Caught in the xeno-bamia crossfire, these are dangerous times for the “outsourcing” industry
The industry currently known as "outsourcing" is currently under its greatest-ever attack. President Obama has made attacking Bain Capital's promotion of itself once as a "one stop outsourcing shop", the focal point of his re-election campaign. And this is a serious attack - he has $512m in campaign money left to burn, and only $25m a month is currently being spent on attack-ads from both parties - the worst is yet to come. So how should the "outsourcing" industry deal with this? Read More
What would convince you to “outsource” to the United States of America?
We are inviting you to share your views and experiences, in the strictest confidence, on the pros and cons of outsourcing IT and business processes TO the United States of America, compared with other global regions. Read More
Now for something completely different… Outsourcing Provider Merit Badges
As someone who was a Girl Scout until she was 18, and still has her badge sash, I think it’s only appropriate that outsourcing providers have their very own merit badges, too. Read More
It’s a miracle we’re yet to see any BPO/ITO security disasters
And have you considered how many people are touching your critical data assets, with multiple providers comprising hundreds of thousands of employees around the globe managing many of your back office business and IT operations? Have you given any thought to what their subcontractors are doing, whether they present any data privacy or compliance risks that aren’t covered by your contract with your primary provider? Read More
Never fear, HR is here…
Never fear, HR is here... Read More
Healthcare reform survives until November. Then what?
So we're now one election away from the biggest outsourcing opportunity ever... the healthcare insurance industry trying to figure out how to move from a B2B to a B2C model. Quite simply, the insurance companies ain't gonna figure out how to send a nuclear warhead into their service and IT operations... they'll turn to the outsourcers to do it for them Read More
Published today – a blueprint for the industry known as “outsourcing”
Ever wondered what would happen if you locked 41 outsourcing buyer executives in a room for a couple of days, then brought in six of the leading providers to have an afternoon's discussion? Well, now you can read for yourself, as today we unveil our first Blueprint report for this curious industry known as "outsourcing". Read More