Want to get smart about sourcing for Cloud?

Getting Smart About Sourcing for Cloud

(From left-to-right) Report authors Phil Fersht & Robert McNeill (HfS), Kenneth Adler & Akiba Stern (Loeb & Loeb)

We just released a brand new report entitled “Getting Smart About Sourcing for Cloud”.  Simply-put, we kinda got the impression that no-one had written a concise document that outlines what on earth is Cloud Computing, why we should care, what hundreds of IT and business leaders think about its impact, what the service providers are developing and offering in the space, and – once you know all that – how you need to think about contracting and executing for it.

So we called up some legal-eagles who are knee-deep in this stuff at Loeb & Loeb, and co-wrote this lovely little report for the benefit of the entire sourcing industry – whether you have interest in buying, advising or servicing Cloud services, this really is a must read for you!

Simply enter your details here and a little pdf will come sailing its way to your inbox…
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Posted in : Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), Cloud Computing, IT Outsourcing / IT Services, Outsourcing Advisors, SaaS, PaaS, IaaS and BPaaS, Sourcing Best Practises, sourcing-change

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  1. Fantastic report HfS! You are a real credit to the research profession to share your work with the broad industry,

    Hugh Johnson

  2. Ditto Hugh’s comment. A great report – and a great service sharing this level of research and data with everyone. HFS is a refreshing change for the analysts!

    Dan Bergman

  3. A comprehensive and very informative report – I wanted to write in and thank you for sharing. I echo the sentiments of the other people here,

    Paul Smith

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