Category: Social Networking
The biggest threat to outsourcing’s future: Unfocused and unambitious Millennials
If we don't have succession plans to blood the next generation of talent, we'll just become an industry of old fartsRead More
The Four Foundations of the As-a-Service Economy, Part I: Getting your Outsourcing and Talent mix right
We're on a train hurtling towards something resembling "As-a-Service" and we need to make sure we stay on itRead More
Robo-Britannia: Is Britain leading the As-a-Service revolution?
When it comes to being first on the bandwagon for experimenting with solutions that can drive out cost and improve productivity, the UK - amazingly after all these years - still leads the wayRead More
The 2015 Enterprise Mobility Services Blueprint: IBM, Cognizant, Accenture, TCS, Infosys and Capgemini in the Winner’s Circle
IBM, Cognizant, Accenture, TCS, Infosys and Capgemini make the Winner's Circle for Enterprise Mobility ServicesRead More
How As-a-Service is your organization?
This emergence of "As-a-Service" represents the most disruptive series of impacts to the traditional IT and business services industry that we have seen. Whether you buy, provide or advise on business and IT services, your opinions and intentions are critical for our research, so please spend some time completing our study and you could win an Apple Watch. Read More
Are sourcing advisors really the new analysts?
The evolving confusion over advisor and analyst roles is a result of a lack of real influencers in the services industryRead More
Mike Sutcliff, Digitally Distinct
Mike Sutcliffe, Group Chief Executive, Accenture Digital, talks to HfS analyst Phil Fersht on the disruptive impact of Digital technologies on Business Services and OperationsRead More
NASSCOM 2015: More MBA, less ABAP is the recipe for India’s Digital success
NASSCOM's Mumbai showpiece, India's premier Leadership Forum, exuded an energy not seen since the recession. Now it's time for India's service stars to grasp their Digital opportunity like never beforeRead More
Here are our Autonabilized 2015 HfS predictions
17 Killer Predictions from the HfS analyst team. All of these will happen too...Read More
2015: Time to salvage yourself from your digital wreckage of a work-life
many of us are falling into bad Digital habits where it can seriously impact the quality of our non-Digital lives - and even the quality of our work performanceRead More