Category: Social Networking
Cheap and quick please! Wizening buyers are seeking help from easily-accessible sources
When we ask them buyers they're foraging for help and information with outsourcing strategy-making in the coming months, the results are simple: they are turning to whatever sourcing are most easily-accessible and inexpensively-available to themRead More
HfS ties up with Gutenberg to bring sourcing insight to a mainstream business audience
Today marks an exciting day in the development of HfS Research as a global advisory analyst organization - we have selected sourcing and software PR and communications specialist Gutenberg to orchestrate our global research communications to the Americas, European and Indian markets. Read More
Is the outsourcing industry really still that clueless about cultural issues? Or high time to change that record…
In Brandi Moore’s “painful” interpretation of the joint research we did with Softek about Latin America as a sourcing destination, she manages to disparage an entire industry, ignore the facts, offer tired examples as brilliant self-aggrandizement, and demonstrate a poor understanding of her supposed field of expertise (culture). We often take a tongue-in-cheek approach to our coverage here, but we take the accuracy of our research and reporting very seriously.Read More
The biggest political threat (yet) to the outsourcing industry
The Swiss, in their typically punctilious fashion, now have an "Anti-PowerPoint Party" with the self-stated goal of having the number of boring PowerPoint presentations on the planet to decrease and the average presentation to become more exciting and more interesting.Read More
What does the Future of Work look like?
HfS Research is conducting a study to help gain a better understanding of how the future of work is impacting organizations. You can help by participating in a short survey and providing your thoughts on how the future of work is impacting your business or your client’s businesses. Read More
Get your free Finance & Accounting BPO landscape report here. Yay!
In response to the multiple requests for some trumpet-blowing, you can download our blockbuster report absolutely FREE, right here. No forms to fill, no signing your life away to a torrent of daily spam - just plain, free, no-holds-barred research!Read More
The undisputed facts about outsourcing, Part 5: Decision-makers increasingly reliant on peer-networking and research than traditional channels
In the past, outsourcing was still a unique, foreign and scary activity, and it was always easier for buy-side executives to bring in consultants to make their decisions for them - especially as there were so few trusted data-points and information sources widely available in the industry to support decision-making. Executives didn't want to get fired for making bad decisions. However, today they know they'll get fired for the wrong decision regardless of who made it - whether it was theirs' or McKinsey'sRead More
Why I wrote that piece…
So when I received many notes, emails, calls and comments after my weekend "rant" about the analyst business, I suddenly realized this thing was going "viral". How had I managed to hit such a raw nerve? Read More
Will the industry analyst business be dead in five years?
Love them or loathe them, analyst firms and their unique individuals stoke the emotions of many who come in regular contact with them. But are thee days of the traditional industry analyst numbered?Read More
Cognizant: The Future of Work or the Present Forever?
Cognizant is at present the darling of the IT offshore services and outsourcing industry for its consistent and impressive growth and positive levels of customer satisfaction, so we thought we’d share some impressions with our readers.Read More