Category: Security and Risk
Welcome to the Six Tenets of Sourcing 2.0 – where a “lights on” approach might just get you fired
Big and clunky is ugly, lean and scalable is the new corporate sexy.Read More
Replay of “Outsourcing is DEAD! Long Live Outsourcing…”
Click here for the replay & Click here for the slides. Enjoy!Read More
Banking in 2013: Control freaks who just can’t let go face their toughest challenges yet
Financial services are poised to have a huge year; there will be mergers, systems upgrades, global expansion and new product launches all designed to regain their positions as industry leaders.Read More
Happy birthday, Dodd-Frank!
Please join us in wishing Dodd-Frank “Happy Birthday.” This is the largest financial reform act in U.S. history, amassing 884 pages when it was finally signed in 2010, designed to enforce the most significant changes to financial regulation in the United States since the regulatory reform that followed the Great Depression.Read More
It’s a miracle we’re yet to see any BPO/ITO security disasters
And have you considered how many people are touching your critical data assets, with multiple providers comprising hundreds of thousands of employees around the globe managing many of your back office business and IT operations? Have you given any thought to what their subcontractors are doing, whether they present any data privacy or compliance risks that aren’t covered by your contract with your primary provider?Read More
Published today – a blueprint for the industry known as “outsourcing”
Ever wondered what would happen if you locked 41 outsourcing buyer executives in a room for a couple of days, then brought in six of the leading providers to have an afternoon's discussion? Well, now you can read for yourself, as today we unveil our first Blueprint report for this curious industry known as "outsourcing".Read More
Want to keep with the “outsourcing” status quo? Love staring at a spreadsheet all day? Then Blueprint 2.0’s not for you…
Life been just dandy since you took 30% off your department's fixed costs, that you'll never need to do anything much again in your career... except stare at a spreadsheet? Just love keeping those lights on and squeezing penalty payments of your provider? No need to improve anything, because the way your firm does this is just, simply, perfect? Then you won't need to waste time with us and leading buy-side organizations from the HfS 50 Executive Council in Boston this October...Read More
The end of outsourcing as we know it… Part I
At the end of the day, it's not all about outsourcing and it's not all about shared services; it's about focusing on how to globalize processes, how to transform finance (and other) functions, and how to govern it all in a global business services context. There is no dominant model, it's more about achieving the right balance across all delivery models to achieve the best business goals. In conjunction with global accounting body ACCA, We spoke to 682 large organizations currently running finance in either an outsourced or shared service framework (or both) - and the results are emphatic: those organizations relying predominantly on outsourced delivery, or predominantly shared services, are viewing their finance delivery performance much more skepticallyRead More
And then there were six… meet the sourcing savants on the seventeenth
ver wondered what would happen if you brought the six most prominent IT and business services savants together for a one-hour debate on the future of the sourcing and services world? Well, wonder no more as this becomes a reality on 17th May at 12pm EST, 5pm GMTRead More
Flashback kicks the myth of Apple invincibility squarely in the jewels