Category: SaaS, PaaS, IaaS and BPaaS
Genpact joneses after JAWOOD to capitalize on healthcare insurance mayhem
Get ready for the healthcare market to heat up over the next three years as a result of state health insurance market places, the rapid expansion of accountable care organizations, and ICD-10 implementations. Read More
Outsourcing may be battered, bruised and vilified… so why is only a twentieth of enterprises planning to reduce it in 2013?
Make no bones about it: 2012 was a pretty dire year for the industry known as "outsourcing". However, brand new data from our State of Outsourcing 2013 Study conducted with the support of KPMG, and the largest-ever research survey focused on IT and business function outsourcing, clearly shows that the majority of enterprises are not only aggressively focused on increasing their outsourcing portfoilios, but many are now taking a more mature and realistic approach.Read More
Why have we become such crappy managers?
The recent post entitled "Can we ever get back to the thinking workforce" focused on the poor work habits that have infiltrated many of today's workers to create a dearth of analytical thinkers for our organizations. Read More
Alsbridge digs deep into the guts of the Cloud with Telwares acquisition
A subtle, but decisive, shift took place in the sourcing advisory landscape today, with Alsbridge's announcing the acquisition of leading telecoms/networking sourcing advisor, Telwares, to firmly place Alsbridge as the main contender to ISG at the helm of the independent boutique advisor market.Read More
Day Two at the HR Technology Conference in Chicago…
And, for the first time ever, an analyst has managed to write a "second day" blog at an industry event. So, without further ado, here's HfS' Peter Ackerson with Day TwoRead More
Day One at the HR Technology Conference in Chicago…Who are these people and what are they doing here?
And now over to Chicago, where HfS roving analyst Peter Ackerson is trying to fathom what on earth is going on in the world of HR technologyRead More
Why the social enterprise matters… Yarmis brings his thoughts back from Dreamforce
We can't understate the importance of social media on the enterprise. Hey - we bet our whole business model on it! And that's why we hired one of the best thinkers in the social sphere to help us understand how social will impact business processes and how enterprises will operate in this new social world we live in. So we coaxed Jonathan Yarmis from his Dreamforce-induced hangover, where he was living it up with 90,00o 0ther technology geeks, to tell HfS why this matters....Read More
It’s more about technology than ever for HR executives…
Our trusted friends, over at the HR department, haven't given up the ghost in helping their organizations close these capability gaps either... and they look beyond service providers alone as the solution: they want to invest in better technology. So where better to spend your time that at the HR technology in Chicago from October 8-10, 2012, where Bill Kutik and crew will put on their annual ode to the world of.... HR technology.Read More
IBM’s Kenexa acquisition can take the talent conversation outside of the HR department
HfS believes IBM is likely to be eyeing a further acquisition in the talent management software space as Kenexa brings very strong Recruitment Process Outsourcing competency and IP in employee engagement and compensation, but was still developing out its cloud platform.Read More
Doctor Disruptive joins HfS to lead Social Business research
Global business practices are starting to become disrupted in ways that is shocking many firms into retrenching, while others are realizing they have little choice but to embrace the change, otherwise get left behind. Jonathan Yarmis, aka "Doctor Disruptive" has crafted a trade where he combines an intimate knowledge of technology, media and global business dynamics to bring to you a unique research practice dedicated entirely to covering the impact that social media and disruptive technologies are having on global business dynamics and operations. Read More