Category: Robotic Process Automation
Ready for the ultimate robotic process automation debate?
At long last... we have everything you've ever wanted to know about Robotic Process Automation and never dared to askRead More
Automation killed the gamification star
Even back in '79 the world was already beginning to zone in on the power of automationRead More
Automation: it’s about solving business problems, stupid!
We asked HfS' Charles Sutherland to share his views on what is really happening with process automation and why is shouldn't be confused with technology automation theories of yesteryearRead More
Robotistan takes a seat at the BPO Security Council
Last year, we noticed there was a new nation-state “Robotistan” making its presence felt at this august world body and we, at HfS, wondered how significant a player it could become in matters of the BPO and shared services nation states.Read More
Greetings from Robotistan, outsourcing’s cheapest new destination
How would you like to build a software robot to automate a business process for one client, and then resell copies of that robot to a dozen other clients in the same vertical?Read More