Category: HR Strategy
A Heavy Dose of Transparency: Impressions from the SAP SuccessFactors Influencer Summit 2017
The concept is to enable employees to use interaction channels and platforms such as Slack, plus HR bots and “intelligent services” that connect and predict application actions and are embedded into daily work.Read More
IT’s relationships with the business functions – get better at supporting them, or risk getting bumped
Which part of business engage most successfully with IT? IT needs to engage more with HRRead More
Half of today’s enterprises are exploring or already benefiting from AI in HR – time to get with the program
The new world of HR Tech automation has arrived, and you need a definitive strategy to deal with it.Read More
Don’t Look Now but Payroll Services Providers are Embracing Digital — and their Sexiness
Payroll Services in the digital age is where “intelligent automation” and the constancy of innovation empowers and enables all participants and customers – ergo, makes them more engaged and productive.Read More
Placing HCM Stewardship Where it Belongs: Outside of HR
HR adds the most value, by far, when it enables line managers to be effective stewards of HCMRead More
Saba’s Acquisition of Halogen Software Helps Their Customers Achieve the Illusory ‘A’ Word
How can this deal possibly achieve something that the much larger HR Tech deals done by SAP and Oracle didn’t?Read More
3 Reasons Why You Should Care About Our New Blueprint Market Guide: “Predictive Capabilities in HCM Systems”
The Blueprint Market Guide includes trends, themes and related implications for both buyers and solution vendors-what to watch as this emerging area continues to evolve and recommendations for driving business value and ROI from these capabilities.Read More
Why the Time is Right to Evaluate Predictive Capabilities in HCM Systems
Predict all employee-related outcomes that materially impact business performance, understand why the outcome is likely, communicate why this insight matters, and determine and pursue the key actions neededRead More
HR Best Practice? Yeah, Right
HR practices truly are “best” when they directly support both a company’s target culture and their workforce strategies aimed at creating a great customer experience.Read More
ADP Crosses the Transactional HR/Payroll (Branding) Chasm in Acquiring The Marcus Buckingham Company
Maximizing team performance and improving employee engagement are both winners in their own right as HCM themes to focus on.Read More