Category: HR Strategy
How to categorize your absurd colleagues
Some home truths about the absurd people in your professional worldRead More
Innovation starts at the… cube farm
A recent discussion with Accenture sparked the thinking at HfS with regards to how the introduction of new ideas and investments to the delivery center floor plays another important role in this transformation journey towards “progressive outsourcing”Read More
Getting good at GBS governance: Why heroes don’t scale
This governance group has the challenge of managing an increasingly complex environment, with aspirations much loftier than in the past to achieve the right maturity levels to run GBS effectively.Read More
2014 shared services and outsourcing outlook Part II: Why GBS will not be bullsh*t
While several folks make valid arguments why GBS may be a pipe-dream for their own organization (or some of their clients' organizations), we believe they are missing the big pictureRead More
Industry analysts: a new world order is already coming
The future of analysts is about providing clients the experiences they need to be smarter and more effective at what they do, not selling them something pre-packaged that everyone else already hasRead More
Naomi Bloom: HRO needs to focus on business analyst services, not call center/manual processing
It will be fascinating to see if the larger SIs and/or HRO providers will be able to craft just the right mix of quality and cost-effectiveness to be successful in delivering much smaller, less labor-intensive and more tool-based implementation and post-implementation HR services.Read More
HR in the Cloud: It won’t kill HRO, but it may kill what’s left of dysfunctional HR…
The emergence of more affordable Cloud based solutions is finally - after decades of disarray - making it possible for firms to stop starring into the HR abyss and start getting functional again.Read More
Why so many cost-obsessed CEOs will fail if they ignore their supplier management capabilities
Recessions are good times for business leaders who love to focus on containing costs, however, times of recovery are markedly differentRead More
We are HfS. Yes we are!
As we gather the largest-ever superstar assemblage of sourcing leaders in New York, let's have a look back at how we got here as an industryRead More