Category: HR Strategy
Parikh preaches, prophesizes and prognosticates… Part 1
Phil Fersht interviews Avasant CEO, Kevin Parikh (Part 1)Read More
Why offshoring is hotter than ever
Close to a third of enterprises are increasing the offshore component with their service providers, and a fifth with their own shared servicesRead More
Defying disruption, or a ticking HR time-bomb? How TCS reduces its average cost per employee by 6.3% each year
Not only does TCS enjoy the highest revenue growth in the IT services industry, it is also the most profitable - so what's the secret sauce?Read More
Europe’s finest enterprise operators take on the USA at the Cambridge University Blueprint Sessions. Who’s sourcing smarter?
This June we are assembling the ultimate pool of European and American services talent to duke it out on the hallowed lawns of Cambridge's Gonville and Caius CollegeRead More
Capgemini’s new BPO General rocks up: Chris Stancombe
From geophysics to BPO... HfS' Phil Fersht interviews Capgemini's new CEO for BPO, Chris StancombeRead More
A little bit of HR heaven as Kutik tackles the toughie from Southie
Christa Degnan Manning talked with Bill Kutik about the Extended Enterprise, the Employee Experience, Workforce Enablement, and hybrid HCM systemsRead More
Outsourcing advisors must be governance experts armed with research if they want to survive
Advisors need to provider governance support and research in order to surviveRead More
BPO: Pronounced dead, but still very much alive
BPO is just at the beginning of a much more dynamic phase of its existence and it at least three years' away from being put to bed.Read More
TCS breaks into the HfS Global IT Services Top 10, with Cognizant poised to follow
As we predicted last year, TCS has now become the first of the Indian majors to break the IT Services Top 10 for revenues, replacing CGIRead More
Accenture de-emphasizes the term “outsourcing” – is this the final death knell for the O word?
Accenture's dropping the term "outsourcing" from its strategy line is the most significant yet in terms of rebranding the outsourcing businessRead More