Category: Captives and Shared Services Strategies

  • Build it, then market it… and then they may come

    January 12, 2011 |

    “Build it and they will come” is not a viable approach to achieve shared services scale in most organizations. Business line stakeholders may not perceive a burning platform for change, fear loss of control, believe that their back offices are too integral to the creation of their profit margin, have other options such as outsourcing on their own, or remember a similar initiative way back when that, in their minds, was a dismal failure. Think of selling shared services as getting friends to eat sushi...Read More

  • TPI + Compass: a new direction for outsourcing advisors, or more of the same?

    January 08, 2011 |

    With the increased focus on outsourcing advisory services from management consultants such as Deloitte, KPMG and PwC, the souped-up TPI/Compass creates a super-boutique that can compete effectively in the market for the complex enterprise engagements that require a lot of hourly-billable heavy-lifting. There’s little doubt this merger helps bolster TPI’s credentials as a serious player, now the big boys fancy their piece of the action. However, when we look at the current enterprise needs for outsourcing support, we see a dire need for enterprises to receive a mixture of consulting advice and data, served up in a less expensive, easier-to-digest format, than the $500-per-hour model.Read More

  • Announcing the “HfS 25″… where the industry’s premier sourcing leaders are gathering

    December 08, 2010 |

    Today, we're delighted to announce the official unveiling of the "HfS 25" - a collecti0n of 25 sourcing leaders that will work behind closed doors with us to help define our industry, the like of which hasn't been done before. HfS Research is pulling together experiences from the leading minds who live and breathe sourcing everyday. And what surprised us, when we reached out to sourcing leaders in the HfS network, was the sheer enthusiasm with which they wanted to be part of this group - they want to get out and network, share ideas, meet peers in other organization, and add their tuppence to the future direction our industry is taking.Read More

  • “Cloud is bullsh*t” – HCL’s CEO, Vineet Nayar, explains why he said just that

    December 04, 2010 |

    Vineet Nayar, CEO at HCL Technologies, has firmly cemented himself as one of today's outspoken visionaries in the world of IT services. Never afraid to offer an opinion that may rub a few folks the wrong way, the self-styled CEO booked his ticket to notoriety at HCL's analyst conference in Boston this past week, where he'd decribed Cloud, well, as bullsh*t...Read More

  • The Industry Speaks about Cloud, Part III: business and IT finally agree – IT must tool-up to enable cloud business services

    November 29, 2010 |

    Savvy CIOs are developing themselves into Cloud-enablers by honing their sourcing and service integration skills. Our Cloud Business Services study, conducted in conjunction with the Outsourcing Unit at the London School of Economics, contrasts many differing views and expectations from business and IT executives about Cloud business services... however, both sides do agree on one thing—the crucial enablement role that IT executives must adopt to provision Cloud business services.Read More

  • Everything you ever needed to know about today’s Finance and Accounting Outsourcing industry… but were afraid to ask

    November 26, 2010 |

    Phil Fersht will reveal new HfS Research industry findings from its 2010 FAO deal review and present the views and intentions of several hundred HfS research subscribers. Stan Lepeak, Claudio Altini and Rick Bertheaud will give you the low-down from their client discussions, in addition to revealing some snippets from their brand new FAO service provider performance study.Read More

  • Learn how to assemble an airplane in mid-air… and become a Shared Services Outsourcing Professional

    November 25, 2010 |

    It's time to learn-up and sign-on to the SSON Managed Certification® and Online Learning Program, which kicks off its second session next Monday 29th November. And we've arranged for HfS subscribers to enjoy a 10% discountRead More

  • Cutting to the chase with Capgem’s Chris Stancombe

    November 19, 2010 |

    Did you hear that one about the British geophysicist who became an accountant, ran an African engineering business, has been a COO, CIO and CFO, before winding his way into the sourcing business with Accenture, and subsequently Capgemini, where he helped jump-start their BPO business? Today, Chris Stancombe has worked in BPO for nearly a decade, and now heads Capgemini's Global Finance and Accounting Outsourcing practice.Read More

  • Get your governance right in 15 minutes with Stan and Esteban

    November 12, 2010 |

    Still struggling to find that right governance model? Well you'll probably still be after listening to this, but they'll at least validate all the things that you should be doing, which you know you should probably doing, and are probably not, for whatever reason, but would love to if you could just get your boss to listen to you.Read More

  • Benchmarker Beware!

    November 08, 2010 |

    Benchmarking is a misused and misunderstood tool in outsourcing. Almost everybody’s contract has a provision for benchmarking, and in almost all cases is drives the wrong behavior for both partiesRead More