Category: Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)
Introducing two new horses
As part of or new research alliance with EquaTerra, Stan Lepeak will be contributing on a broad array of global IT and business process areas. In addition, Andy Milroy joins us to add his spin on Asia/Pacific IT and BPO dynamics. Andy currently leads Frost & Sullivan's Australia and New Zealand's ICT Practice Read More
No Payne, no Gain… it’s paradise as usual with IBM’s Bill Payne
Step up Bill Payne, IBM's Vice President for Global CRM and Industries Managed Business Process ServicesRead More
“Actionable Intelligence”: Our research alliance with EquaTerra
Horses for Sources is excited to announce a major development in our journey to be a truly distinctive analyst voice in the global services industry. Today, we are officially engaged in a research alliance with leading global business advisory firm EquaTerra to develop a new category of data-driven research, ‘Actionable Intelligence’.Read More
Preaching Process with Pramod, Part II: integrating IT and BPO and not getting blown up into small pieces…
we delve into how Genpact is striving to retain a unique identity in the industry as a pureplay BPO provider, in the face of increasing competition and the convergence of Cloud, SaaS and BPO delivery modelsRead More
As Healthcare payors face up to seismic change, can outsourcing provide answers?
Unlike medical product manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies’ industries, healthcare reform will absolutely transform the healthcare payor industry. Mandated medical loss ratios, state-run insurance exchanges, guaranteed coverage, and required purchase requirements will restructure the payor’s business models. The trickle-down impact on operations will be significant, shifting priorities in a manner that will eventually impact outsourcing priorities.Read More
Do you know how good or bad your processes are?
As I deconstruct the recording of our interview with Genpact's President and CEO Pramod Bhasin, one factor keeps springing out of the discussion, that makes me realize how far today's organizations have to go, before they can truly claim they are satisfied that they are maximizing their potential: Most companies can’t tell you how good or bad their business processes are. Read More
Preaching Process with Pramod: Genpact’s CEO discusses the New Relentless Economy, Part I
In order to help us grasp how the global provider community is reponding to this new relentless environment, we have engaged a number of CEOs of the leading providers to share with us their frank views of the changing world, how they survived the Recession, and how they intend to shape their business to support tomorrow's winners.To begin this series, we caught up with Genpact's President and CEO, Pramod Bhasin, and are delighted to feature some his thoughts from a very engaging discussion Read More
How do you really define innovation?
Ask six people what represents innovation and you will get half a dozen answers. Three people discussing innovation will consist of a couple of people talking about two different things while the eyes of the third glaze over. Innovation is a term that epitomizes the semantic differential. But regardless of how it is interpreted, it is a very important element for potential buyers of BPO services.Read More
Practical outsourcing tips over a pint: legal advice from George Kimball
George has become one of the best known lawyers in the industry over recent years, representing both buyers and service providers on some of the largest and most pivotal engagements during his tenure at law-firm Baker & McKenzie, before recently joining the legal team at Hewlett-Packard.Read More
Are you achieving innovation? Share your experiences with us (please)
you are cordially invited to spend the next few riveting minutes of your life plodding through our latest surveymonkey utopia to air your experiences of achieving (or not achieving) innovation when you do some BPORead More