Rarely has a debate aroused so many emotions, yet failed to reach any conclusions, which was precisely what transpired when...Read More
So you think YOU have sourcing talent?
We are inviting you to participate in a brief survey to explore today's talent management challenges facing both your executives and staff – and you could win an iPhone 5 into the bargain, in addition to a complimentary copy of the study findings.Read More
Why the social enterprise matters… Yarmis brings his thoughts back from Dreamforce
We can't understate the importance of social media on the enterprise. Hey - we bet our whole business model on it! And that's why we hired one of the best thinkers in the social sphere to help us understand how social will impact business processes and how enterprises will operate in this new social world we live in. So we coaxed Jonathan Yarmis from his Dreamforce-induced hangover, where he was living it up with 90,00o 0ther technology geeks, to tell HfS why this matters....Read More
Refocusing on business outcomes is key…
Is there renewed hope for non-linear growth in outsourcing?Read More
And Kops is back with… outsourcing clients’ merit badges
Outsourcing clients of the world: examine your experience to see if you’ve earned Deborah’s top 10 client merit badgesRead More
It’s more about technology than ever for HR executives…
Our trusted friends, over at the HR department, haven't given up the ghost in helping their organizations close these capability gaps either... and they look beyond service providers alone as the solution: they want to invest in better technology. So where better to spend your time that at the HR technology in Chicago from October 8-10, 2012, where Bill Kutik and crew will put on their annual ode to the world of.... HR technology.Read More
Why rebrand outsourcing, when what we already have may be new and exciting…
Why rebrand outsourcing, when what we already have may be new and exciting...Read More
Well stone the lodes… Infosys cranks up its SAP-ness with the acquisition of Lodestone
Infosys's acquisition of management consultancy and SAP integrator Lodestone Holdings lines up perfectly with their long-term strategy of moving to higher value services, but this acquisition is a risky way to grow these capabilities. Read More
An industry with no name? The outsourcing industry votes out the “O” word but can’t think of an alternative…
There is far too much "believe our own bullshit" going on and this industry needs to change before it can effectively "rebrand"Read More