If you’ve spent a lot of time with service provider leadership, you’ll know they spend an inordinate amount of time...Read More
Sourcing no-no’s for 2013: what’s gotta go
Here's some sourcing cheese we don't want more of 2013Read More
Ho Ho BPO! Happy HanuChristWali everyone
Ho Ho BPO! HanuChristWali everyoneRead More
Why HfS cancelled its 2013 predictions
For all of you waiting on tenterhooks for our 2013 predictions, I am afraid we have some bad news: today, we took the unprecedented step of canceling them. But why? Read More
Tiger Tales Part IV… The sourcing industry’s virtuous cycle
And just when you'd forgotten we hadn't published the final installment of our interview with Genpact’s CEO NV “Tiger” Tyagarajan...Read More
Why have we become such crappy managers?
The recent post entitled "Can we ever get back to the thinking workforce" focused on the poor work habits that have infiltrated many of today's workers to create a dearth of analytical thinkers for our organizations. Read More
State of Outsourcing 2013: It’s time to add YOUR opinion!
Whether you buy, sell, advise or analyze outsourcing services, YOUR opinion is critical for our seminal annual study as we crowdsource the industry's direction. Read More
A new Indian marketing model – pounding anyone with a pulse with PowerPoint
Just when you thought it may be safe to give up a couple of days of your life to get to know a service provider better, one of the Indian majors has added a whole new dimension to the sales cheese game.Read More
Can we ever get back to the “thinking” workforce?
Many of today's businesses are over-bloated with operational staff whose modus operandi is about maintaining the status quo, as opposed to exploring new ways to advance the business. Read More
Becky Dennis’ remarkable journey
It's a nightmare that's hard to contemplate. My good friend Becky Dennis, who's worked in outsourcing for years, was thousands of miles from home after delivering a pitch to a group of executives.Read More