Lee Coulter is… Lee Coulter (click for bio) The first time I spoke to Lee Coulter, I was an analyst...Read More
Why middle management is often as influential as the C-Suite when it comes to outsourcing
The official definition of insanity in sourcing: recounting how many times a service provider has said to you, "We've got to get to the C-suite to pitch innovative ideas because middle management is too risk adverse."Read More
Genpact joneses after JAWOOD to capitalize on healthcare insurance mayhem
Get ready for the healthcare market to heat up over the next three years as a result of state health insurance market places, the rapid expansion of accountable care organizations, and ICD-10 implementations. Read More
Banking in 2013: Control freaks who just can’t let go face their toughest challenges yet
Financial services are poised to have a huge year; there will be mergers, systems upgrades, global expansion and new product launches all designed to regain their positions as industry leaders.Read More
Replay of the HfS/KPMG Banking & Financial Services webinar
Missed last week's Banking & Financial Services webinar? Well fret no more, as we have the replay now available for your viewing and a full slide deck for our premium research subscribers. Enjoy! Read More
Fooled by Forbes’ fantasy fiction?
One issue dominating the tech-media back channels of late is publisher Forbe’s use of its column “BrandVoice” to blatantly promote various technology products, such as Oracle and SAP, with the advertorials appearing like credible news and opinion articles. Read More
Outsourcing may be battered, bruised and vilified… so why is only a twentieth of enterprises planning to reduce it in 2013?
Make no bones about it: 2012 was a pretty dire year for the industry known as "outsourcing". However, brand new data from our State of Outsourcing 2013 Study conducted with the support of KPMG, and the largest-ever research survey focused on IT and business function outsourcing, clearly shows that the majority of enterprises are not only aggressively focused on increasing their outsourcing portfoilios, but many are now taking a more mature and realistic approach.Read More
Seven savant-like dudes and their sourcing scuttlebutt… replayed
Your week not quite the same without seven dudes rabbiting on about best practices and being over-polite with each other? Well, your addiction can be cured by listening to the replayRead More
HfS… Six more years?
Wouldya believe "Horses for Sources" is going to be six years old? Here's six years of soundbites, silliness sensationalism and scrutiny.Read More
Coping with the return to work
Here's some free advice, folks, so do with it what you want... Read More