[embedplusvideo height=”390″ width=”640″ standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/3qfBiz64Axs?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=3qfBiz64Axs&width=640&height=390&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep6183″ /]Read More
Is the day of the rock star analyst officially over?
There's been a lot of backchannel lately regarding high profile analyst departures to vendor organizations, with Thomas Otter, Gartner's hugely popular VP for Human Capital Management, hopping to SAP's recent acquisition, SuccessFactors.Read More
Why American firms are more progressive with outsourcing than the Europeans and Asians
Why is it always the Americans at the head of the queue when it comes to increasing quarterly profit margins? But, even more intriguingly, why are they also leading the way when it comes to attempting to improve their capabilities when they outsource? Our recent State of Outsourcing Study 2013, conducted with the support of KPMG, clearly shows the differing mission-critical business motivations across the main three global regions, when it comes to outsourcingRead More
The dreamSource countdown continues… Meet Mads (Part II)
If you have recovered from the mental impairment caused by the really awful governance dancing, it's time to get back to the serious discussion about the narrowing onshore/offshore cost gap, and diversity in sourcing.... so let's visit the final part of our recent interview with Madelein Smit, outsourcing head at the global logistics giant, CEVA LogisticsRead More
The dreamSource countdown… Meet Mads
Step-up Madelein "Mads" Smit, head of both IT and F&A outsourcing for CEVA LogisticsRead More
Outsourcing Executives: What’s your career narrative?
I’m obsessed by careers. I spend time trying to make sense of the various and sundry twists and turns that the life’s work of those in our industry seem to take. And I look closely for patterns. Read More
Innovation discovered… on the London Underground
Innovation discovered... on the London UndergroundRead More
Phil Fersht re-instated as CEO of HfS, despite his April-foolery
Isn't it amazing how someone can pull off a prank on 1st April every year and STILL many of you fall for it?Read More
Phil Fersht steps down as HfS CEO
After more than three years at the helm of research organization HfS Research, Phil Fersht will be stepping down as CEO to "pursue other interests". The HfS advisory board is meeting later this week to discuss potential replacements.Read More
Marketing’s Holy Grail in the modern age: Getting actionable insights from an integrated marketing optimization platform
The role of the CMO is probably the most thankless job in the modern organization: company's executives expect great branding and messaging to be propelled through all the optimal channels to market to maximize awareness and, ultimately, increase sales. Read More