You’ll want to turn up the volume for this one… [embedplusvideo height=”390″ width=”600″ editlink=”” standard=”″ vars=”ytid=vrzo-W2SPD0&width=640&height=390&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep2273″ /]Read More
Can Salesforce and Workday’s hook-up genuinely hurt the SAP and Oracle empire?
With a quarter-of-a-trillion dollars a year being plowed into integrating and managing SAP and Oracle, are the SaaS upstarts truly ready to integrate multiple cloud apps at this type of scale to challenge the status quo?Read More
Time to help those poor Americans understand those British niceties…
It's nearly 10 years since I ventured back to these shores, and to celebrate, I decided it was time to reveal to the many unsuspecting Americans what we British really mean when you think we're being nice and polite...Read More
Prince Charles of Sutherland joins HfS to lead BPO strategy
Charles Sutherland will be playing a key role in helping us lead many of our strategic BPO assignments across traditional horizontals, such as F&A and Procurement, in addition to driving new coverage in growth areas such as Supply Chain Management and Robotization.Read More
Pankaj ponders, postulates and problem-solves: meet Genpact’s analytics guru
HfS talks to Genpact's Pankaj Kulshreshtha, whose analytics group has exploded from 10 to 6000 people under his guidance Read More
Are you “crowding it” in NYC this week? HfS has some free tickets…
We got some face time with flamboyant Massolution CEO, Carl Esposti (and founder of the community platform) about next week's first-ever crowdsourcing & crowdfunding conferenceRead More
Concentrix buys its way into the customer experience management Winner’s Circle
Concentrix's investors, SYNNEX, were clearly so impressed with IBM's performance to reach the Winners Circle for customer experience management, they wanted a piece of the action for themselvesRead More
Teleperformance, IBM/Concentrix and Convergys make the Winner’s Circle for transforming the customer experience
We are proud to reveal our first Blueprint report that has gone deep into the innovation and execution capabilities of today's leading service providers in the customer experience management industryRead More
Welcome to the Lechner lectures: Why partnering strategies matter
Meet the man tasked with formulating a sourcing strategy for the IBM: Rich LechnerRead More
Forget business outcomes and innovation for now… most enterprises just want to get beyond adequate first
Our seminal State of Outsourcing Study, conducted with the support of KPMG, has revealed that today's wizening outsourcing buyer is looking at industry experience and the provision of talent that can do more than just the basics, when it comes to choosing between their providersRead More