And Robotistan casts the crucial swing vote… Every autumn, the world’s leaders descend on New York causing mayhem as they...Read More
Can HR ever overcome its obsession with the automation of obsolete processes?
Why do so many HR executives obsess with administering irrelevant processes when they should be helping their firms' managers get the best out of their staff?Read More
Who wants to be friends?
Vinnie Mirchandani just blogged about how we can add so much more value to our relationships by looking beyond Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Quora, Pinterest etc to find value from our networks, when it comes to learning new ideas and gleaning knowledgeRead More
Traditional outsourcing advisory is dead.
And when the world's number 1 management thinker, Clayton Christensen, writes about Consulting on the Cusp of Disruption, you know it's officially game-over for the way consultants have traditionally delivered effort-based high-cost projects for wizening clientsRead More
What happens when you put the leaders of an industry in one room?
However which was we look at this, this is going to be one helluva crowd - with a bevvy of buyside sourcing and shared services leaders from 60 major organizations, in addition to this motley crewRead More
2013 Analyst Value Survey Results: HfS Research leads the analyst industry for independence
2013 Analyst Value Survey Results: HfS Research leads the analyst industry for independenceRead More
2013 Analyst Value Survey Results: HfS Research has risen in influence more than all the other analysts
Please allow us a few minutes of our own-trumpet-blowing as we broadcast some of the results of the 2013 Analyst Value Survey, courtesy of Analyst Equity and Kea Company. This is based on a record number of 352 IT research consumers Read More
Accenture procures procurement’s prize property: Procurian
This is a momentous transaction in the history of Procurement Outsourcing which will have major ripple effects across all the other service providers and likely re-shaping our “Winner’s Circle” for 2014, as a result of Mike Salvino’s decision to double-down on sourcingRead More
What happens when you combine HfS and The Conference Board to talk GBS… in Chicago?
Still confused with GBS, but too afraid to ask what it's all about? Then never fear as Deb Kops and the HfS team have the answers... in ChicagoRead More
Fancy yourself as a sourcing Master Black Belt?
HfS' Governance Proficiency Certification Program is designed to help today's sourcing executives approach service provider relationships and governance strategy with a sophisticated and pragmatic approach that will help them advance their careers, their skills and their experienceRead More