Is your enterprise ready for what the future has in store for us? This emergence of “As-a-Service” represents the most...Read More
Meet Aruna, Capgemini’s kahuna
HfS CEO Phil Fersht talks to Capgemini India CEO Aruna Jayanthi about India's talent and its future direction as a services economyRead More
The 2015 Progressive F&A BPO Blueprint
HfS unveils its 2015 Blueprint Report on Finance & Accounting BPO Services, authored by analysts Phil Fersht and Hema SantoshRead More
Are sourcing advisors really the new analysts?
The evolving confusion over advisor and analyst roles is a result of a lack of real influencers in the services industryRead More
The Infamous Sourcing Savants are back!
An HfS Webinar Production, March 26th 2015: Digesting a Manic 6 Months to Make Sense of the As-a-Service EconomyRead More
OneSource Virtual: Born in the RPA Cloud
We've been so focused on how Robotic Process Automation is being implemented across legacy application environments, we missed how it is also being rolled out in “Born in the Cloud” business environmentsRead More
Mike Sutcliff, Digitally Distinct
Mike Sutcliffe, Group Chief Executive, Accenture Digital, talks to HfS analyst Phil Fersht on the disruptive impact of Digital technologies on Business Services and OperationsRead More
NASSCOM 2015: More MBA, less ABAP is the recipe for India’s Digital success
NASSCOM's Mumbai showpiece, India's premier Leadership Forum, exuded an energy not seen since the recession. Now it's time for India's service stars to grasp their Digital opportunity like never beforeRead More
Dallas, we have another problem: Too many Advisors are Buying the Service Provider Hype
We need advisors steeped in reality who can give enterprises a nice big dose of reality, who truly understand what life is like a few years into an outsourcing engagementRead More
David Poole, Robo Conductor
Phil Fersht talks Robotic Automation and the future of Services with David Poole, Co-Founder and CEO, Symphony VenturesRead More