Oh dear – here are the private views of about 60 outsourcing clients we polled today at the HfS Summit in...Read More
Welcome to Judgement Day, where the real future of Outsourcing and the Digital OneOffice will be decided in NY this week!
Can we really “unlearn” the last two decades and change how we buy, sell, behave and operate? Come to NYC . this week to find out...Read More
The traditional outsourcing model is officially out of value, but the future is bright for co-innovation partnerships
The door is wide open for ambitious providers willing to invest in developing their talent, but closing firmly shut for those perpetuating what worked in the pastRead More
Genpact becomes the first provider to acquire an AI platform
Genpact moves to integrate true artificial intelligence with its business process service offerings by acquiring the impressive Boston-based Rage Frameworks.Read More
Deconstructing Q4 2016 – Growth in the Traditional Services Model close to Flatlining
The Q4 results season has finally ended and we’re able to report on the final Q4 standings.Read More
Watson and Einstein Sitting In A Tree: IBM-Salesforce join forces to give you more ways to buy AI
The time for smart partnerships to drive real innovation and new thinking in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and cognitive computing is now.Read More
Crush that cobol… at last a standard org chart for your disruptive digital hierarchy
HfS has just figured out how to construct all your fancy new digital job titles and reporting linesRead More
IBM, Accenture, Cognizant, Deloitte and Infosys lead the first Digital OneOffice™ Premier League
HfS has unveiled its first holistic view of service provider performances across the Digital OneOffice pillarsRead More
It’s here, it’s real… it’s the 2017 RPA Blueprint deal!
HfS unveils the 2017 view of RPA software platformsRead More
Sticking to his education NIIT-ing… meet Arvind Thakur
Interview with NIIT Technologies CEO, Arvind Thakur, on the shift of IT services towards digitalizationRead More