April 3rd saw the long-anticipated creation of a new IT and BPO powerhouse service provider – DXC.technology. However, DXC’s challenges represent...Read More
Worried you’re failing at your job? Here are six simple questions to ask yourself…
Whether you are a workaholic slogging an 80-hour a week, or a 20-hour a week work-at-home mom/dad, you are going to be measured on what you are contributing to the business - so it's all about setting the right outcome expectations with your employerRead More
Accenture adds European Automation Brains and Brawn with Genfour Acquisition
Case in point, Accenture’s acquisition of UK-based Genfour, a pure-play automation services provider that will become the cornerstone of a newly formed Center of Excellence (CoE) for Intelligent Automation, located in Wales.Read More
Yamazaki, Macallan and Redbreast lead the inaugural HfS Premium Whisky Blueprint
HfS extends its research coverage into the hospitality market, unveiling the industry's most indepth analysis of premium whisky performanceRead More
The spreading outsourcing disease: barely a third of buyers see real value in their current provider relationships
Private poll of 60 enterprise buyers at the NY HfS Summit yields a depressing state of affairs for current outsourcing relationshipsRead More
Welcome to Judgement Day, where the real future of Outsourcing and the Digital OneOffice will be decided in NY this week!
Can we really “unlearn” the last two decades and change how we buy, sell, behave and operate? Come to NYC . this week to find out...Read More
The traditional outsourcing model is officially out of value, but the future is bright for co-innovation partnerships
The door is wide open for ambitious providers willing to invest in developing their talent, but closing firmly shut for those perpetuating what worked in the pastRead More
Genpact becomes the first provider to acquire an AI platform
Genpact moves to integrate true artificial intelligence with its business process service offerings by acquiring the impressive Boston-based Rage Frameworks.Read More
Deconstructing Q4 2016 – Growth in the Traditional Services Model close to Flatlining
The Q4 results season has finally ended and we’re able to report on the final Q4 standings.Read More
Watson and Einstein Sitting In A Tree: IBM-Salesforce join forces to give you more ways to buy AI
The time for smart partnerships to drive real innovation and new thinking in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and cognitive computing is now.Read More