Maybe RPA is a gateway drug after all, as AI takes the number one spot for investment focus
AI leaps ahead of RPA as the most significant area of focus for investment in 2020Read More
Most automation strategies are failing because they aren’t impacting customer experiences. We must broaden beyond the back office…
Why is such paltry investment being made in front office automation, when improving the customer experience is the biggest driver? Read More
UiPath hyped a market that simply wasn’t there. Now we must build one that’s REAL – one we can TRUST
10 ways UiPath's leadership can recover the trust of an industry that trusted themRead More
Is UiPath prepping for a Microsoft sale?
Is it any coincidence that UiPath is rightsizing itself?Read More
Daddy’s back to shape Blue Prism’s technology roadmap for the next iteration of the RPA kingdom
Almost exactly seven years to the day that RPA was invented, Blue Prism's major shareholder Jason Kingdon has scratched a huge robotic itch to make a return to active dutyRead More
Genpact gets Right to the Point to bring the front and back office together… as OneOffice
We view this as the most exciting acquisition yet by Genpact, as it signifies the direction the firm is taking as a process designer, executor and engineer enabled by supporting digital and AI technology.Read More
Crunch time is here for UiPath, AA and Blue Prism… Here are the 25 tenets which will decide who wins this bot war
Here are the 25 key tenets where UiPath, AA and Blue Prism must draw battle as they look to cross that chasm from RPA to a true digital workforceRead More
Live from New York! Scaling automation and AI most impacting business stability and growth
The HFS NYC FORA summit polls 200 enterprise leadersRead More
How business and IT teams need to work together to develop real AI capability
The problem for IT is that AI doesn’t come packaged in a nice box with an instruction guideRead More