R "Ray" Wang We are delighted to have R “Ray” Wang an a contributing analyst in the areas of software and disruptive technologies. R...Read More
The great analyst firewall: will banning analysts from blogging damage the traditional research business, or help create an entirely new one?
The technology and services industry is desperately searching for its mojo, and analysts can help provide the catalyst. Muzzling their views by keeping them from using social-media channels is a worrysome trend Read More
The Atwood Files: Adam Smith got it right!
Over 350 years ago he observed and defined the concept of markets, specialization of labor, demand, all of it. As capitalism grew we saw these concepts first in the industrial revolution. Entrepreneurs saw that they could manufacture goods, weave cloth, and generally produce things by breaking a job down into parts and then using their capital to create machines that produced regular, repeatable pieces in large quantities with smaller and smaller amounts of labor.Read More
The Industry Speaks, Part VI: Customers increasingly look to industry-specific BPO solutions, but which vendors will ultimately invest to define and deliver them?
The move to greater domain-specificity is intrinsically tied to the business utility model of the future, where we are starting to see signs of the convergence of SaaS, Cloud and BPO/ITO models within an engagement structure Read More
Have some outsourcing vendors already thrown in the innovation towel?
While some vendors are talking a big game regarding how they intend to broaden their outsourcing services and consulting work with clients, a lot of their current management clearly don't have a lot of confidence to bring on the talent to help them do just that Read More
Will the BSkyB verdict tone-down outsourcing vendor hype?
This sets a dangerous precedent for the outsourcing business, when you consider the sheer volume of complex outsourcing deals that are currently (and soon to be) in play.Read More
The Industry Speaks, Part V: As the mid-market looks aggressively at Finance & Accounting BPO, the move to standardize heats-up
When you consider that close to a quarter of mid-market customers will seek their first forays into F&A BPO this year, you know where this industry is headed... Read More