Mike Atwood, Expert Contributor for IT Outsourcing, Horses for Sources There was some great discussion recently on why outsourcing in competitive...Read More
BPO, SaaS and Cloud: Too many people aren’t seeing the bigger picture
Too many technical folks fail to view the bigger picture when it comes to Cloud. At a tactical level, when you look at solely hardware capacity solutions, it's hard to see beyond how it can impact businesses beyond creaking ITO-only deals. However, you really need to look at the convergence of BPO, SaaS and Cloud in a broader outsourcing context to start to visialize how these three pillars of business delivery can - and are - coming together in a blended outsourcing model.Read More
Healthcare Reform: The scramble for outsourcing business begins
Whoever said Obama was going to be bad news for the outsourcing business? The outsourcing market has rebounded heavily with the economic recovery and the successful passage of the new Heathcare Reform Bill has both the IT outsourcers and BPOs on red-alert for a barrage of new business oppirtunities. The need for payors to manage their administrative costs has never been as intense as it is now, with the fixed medical loss ratios. Read More
The New Relentless Economy: How quickly can Cloud blow-up the traditional outsourcing model?
It's clear the future potential of Cloud goes well beyond cost-savings generated by eradicating clunky, inefficient IT infrastructure. Cloud can harness the true benefits of SaaS delivery and BPO can plug the gaps may companies need to have business services delivered in a readily-available "as you need it" model. Look back two years to see how dramatically the climate has shifted and ask yourself "will enterprises hang aroundin this environment, or are we on a relentless spiral for productivity improvement?" Read More
Are you a New Polymath?
The New Polymath is an enterprise which is comfortable with a wide range of technologies and has learned to package 3,5,10 strands of infotech, cleantech, nanotech, biotech etc into complex new solutions to solve some of the big and small problems we face.Read More
New-generation HRO: a reverse maturity curve?
We sent our HRO diva, Mindy Blodgett, out to investigate where some of the leading minds are focusing in this post-recession environment, and her first port of call was with Erica Volini, one of Deloitte Consulting's leading Principals in the HR transformation field...Read More
The new relentless economy: why it’s time to stop being scared
People are scared right now – they feel threatened and are struggling to visualize where their careers are heading, where their organizations are heading, where the economy is heading. But why be scared? Shouldn’t we be filled with hope with this revitalized quest for improvement?Read More
How could you fall for it again!
After last year's now infamous "Obama to ban offshore outsourcing" April Fool's gag, we didn't suspect that even more of you would fall hook line and sinker for this year's little effort. Read More
A thundering week in Orlando!
Thanks for all of you who helped support the first public appearance of the Horses for Sources research organization in the lovely Orlando last week for SSON's "Shared Services and Outsourcing Week" event, which achieved over 900 delegatesRead More