Outsourcing is like ripping off a Band-Aid. Do it slowly, it’s a slow and painful experience. Do it quickly, and...Read More
The undisputed facts about outsourcing, Part 3: With outsourcing demand at unprecedented levels, can new buyers get across the finish-line?
HfS Research's "State of Outsourcing 2011" study of 1335 industry stakeholders, conducted with the Outsourcing Unit at the London School of Economics, points to a marked turnaround in outsourcing intentions as global economies reach a period of sustained (albeit limping) recovery. For many organizations today, clearly the short-term counter-recessionary measures have been executed through to fruition, leaving business function leaders under renewed pressure to seek out new operational strategies for driving out cost and improving global effectiveness.Read More
Nobody doesn’t like Sara Lee… and everyone loves an iPad 2
If you participated in our State of Outsourcing 2011 survey, you may have been anxiously monitoring your inbox for a notification that you'd won the iPad 2. Well, the anticipation is over, and we can announce that the winner of the drawing is Stephen Kincanon, Vice President - Shared Services at Sara Lee Corporation. Congratulations, Stephen!Read More
The undisputed facts about outsourcing, Part 2: Despite huge untapped potential, many providers aren’t convincing buyers of their capabilities
Our State of Outsourcing 2011 study reveals huge untapped potential for future outsourcing right across both IT and business functions, so surely this means the market is set to explode and we can wield new hockey-stick growth projections? Perhaps... but a few things need to happen first. Let's investigate...Read More
Libertarians, Outsourcing, Lobotomies and FINRA
FINRA is the largest independent regulator for all securities firms doing business in the United States and its recent proposed rule changes are rattling the world of outsourcing. So what happens when you mix these proposed FINRA regulatory rule changes, a well-known outsourcing partner from law firm powerhouse Loeb & Loeb, LLP, and the HfS Governator?Read More
The undisputed facts about outsourcing, Part 1: Buyers are saving money, but aren’t seeing a whole lot more
Whatever the motives buyers have when they outsource, the first critical metric they must reach is to save the money they were promised at the onset of the engagement. And we have spectacularly good news for the entire outsourcing industry - the cost savings targets are being met - and being met well, with over 95% of current buyers viewing the engagements as effective for reducing their operating costs. However, that's pretty much where the good news tapers off, as the rest of the results are pretty modestRead More
It’s hard to be CSC
It’s hard to be CSC. A perennial subject of acquisition chatter, it has built in poison pills in the form of gnarly government contracts with lots of limitations on who can own them and what can be done with them. This represents a disproportionate part of their revenue when compared to their competitors.Read More
CMOs need support and guidance from their CIOs… like never before
IBM’s Institute for Business Value (IBM Global Services’ executive research group) announced findings from its huge CIO survey undertaken every 2 years. It’s a massive piece of work involving 3000 one hour face-to-face interviews with CIOs from around the world—this year it has some great news for CMOs. Read More
Mercercare: the answer to Obamacare?
Mercer generates $3.5 billion in revenue from it HR consulting, outsourcing, and investment services businesses. It operates in over 40 countries and has more than 20,000 employees.Read More