Our new study of 1350 outsourcing industry stakeholders, conducted with our friends at the Outsourcing Unit at the London School...Read More
The undisputed facts about outsourcing, Part 6: Europeans love money, but hate change
What's driving outsourcing decision-making across the world? HfS Research's new study on global outsourcing adoption reveals some key regional differencesRead More
Listen to Cassandra when it comes to sourcing change management
Earlier this year, HfS Research leveraged its vast network of global enterprises to solicit the opinions of buyers and providers of outsourcing attempting to understand how they view the role and importants of change management for outsourcing engagements. The web based survey was completed by 237 respondents with 96 buyers and 141 service providers.Read More
The biggest political threat (yet) to the outsourcing industry
The Swiss, in their typically punctilious fashion, now have an "Anti-PowerPoint Party" with the self-stated goal of having the number of boring PowerPoint presentations on the planet to decrease and the average presentation to become more exciting and more interesting.Read More
What does the Future of Work look like?
HfS Research is conducting a study to help gain a better understanding of how the future of work is impacting organizations. You can help by participating in a short survey and providing your thoughts on how the future of work is impacting your business or your client’s businesses. Read More
Get your free Finance & Accounting BPO landscape report here. Yay!
In response to the multiple requests for some trumpet-blowing, you can download our blockbuster report absolutely FREE, right here. No forms to fill, no signing your life away to a torrent of daily spam - just plain, free, no-holds-barred research!Read More
So… on which side of the fence sits Gideon Gartner?
So the Grandaddy of great big research, and (arguably) the founding father of today's IT industry analyst business, Gideon Gartner, picked up on our recent post "Will the industry analyst business be dead in five years?"Read More
Meet the sultan of strategic sourcing
While we were having some in-depth discussions with Microsoft's CPO, Tim McBride, it became apparent how important niche specialist BPOs, such as Alpar's firm Denali, are to the global sourcing mix for many organizations. So we thought we'd take a few minutes to have a discussion with Alpar about the future of the procurement function and the role of the CPO.Read More
The undisputed facts about outsourcing, Part 5: Decision-makers increasingly reliant on peer-networking and research than traditional channels
In the past, outsourcing was still a unique, foreign and scary activity, and it was always easier for buy-side executives to bring in consultants to make their decisions for them - especially as there were so few trusted data-points and information sources widely available in the industry to support decision-making. Executives didn't want to get fired for making bad decisions. However, today they know they'll get fired for the wrong decision regardless of who made it - whether it was theirs' or McKinsey'sRead More
ManpowerGroup – a whole lot more than a staffing company?
Manpower Group held its industry analyst and influencer day on June 9, 2011 at its headquarters in Milwaukee, WI. Read More