A lot has changed over the last five years in the outsourcing business. Has it really? I hear you cry. OK –...Read More
HfS ties up with Gutenberg to bring sourcing insight to a mainstream business audience
Today marks an exciting day in the development of HfS Research as a global advisory analyst organization - we have selected sourcing and software PR and communications specialist Gutenberg to orchestrate our global research communications to the Americas, European and Indian markets. Read More
How will a Double-Dip Recession impact outsourcing? Your opinion really matters…
Heaven-forbid we're on the cusp of a tough economic period - so how will this impact outsourcing and shared services dynamics after all we've been through this past few years? Whether you buy, advise or sell outsourcing services, we need to hear from you - and we'll package up a report of the findings for your time. As always, we appreciate your support for helping our research teams keep close track of the industry.Read More
The undisputed facts about outsourcing, Part 8: Industries experiencing secular change have more aggressive outsourcing plans
Those organizations being impacted by radical, fundamental shifts to their very industry economics, are more prepared than ever to admit they need to look outside of their current organization boundaries to keep their business operations cost-competitive. Simply-put, secular change crystallizes options for businesses and the outsourcing planning process often becomes more clear-cut as a result.Read More
Get sourcing in Sydney this September
HfS Research's Phil Hassey will be welcoming Dawn Evans, President and CEO of our partner SIG, to Sydney in early September for a terrific event---SIG's Sydney Regional Roundtable on September 7 and 8Read More
Will a Double-Dip Recession reverse the trend of buyers “delaying outsourcing” during a slump? Here are 10 factors to consider…
Organizations have always been wary of outsourcing during recessions. While today it delivers cost-reduction to clients in spades (proven emphatically during our recent state-of-outsourcing study), many organizations have proven, in the past, to push it down the priority-list of radical cost-reduction measures, when they fear for their very existence. However, with the threat of a "Double-Dip" recession very much a grim reality, HfS believes this cycle is likely to be broken.Read More
HP: did it just rip off its Band-Aid?
Today marks a jolting and sobering inflection point to a global mega-business that was in serious danger of developing multiple-personality disorder. However, in one full swoop, Léo's sent his firm on a path where we can actually understand what HP's game-plan is all aboutRead More
A little summery “thank you” to all of you
Tune in, crank up the volume, or pop in your headphones in if you're in the office. A few summer memories from the HfS team, as we go sit on a beach for a couple of weeks... we really do appreciate all your support. You've been part of one heck of a journey (so far)...Read More
Is the outsourcing industry really still that clueless about cultural issues? Or high time to change that record…
In Brandi Moore’s “painful” interpretation of the joint research we did with Softek about Latin America as a sourcing destination, she manages to disparage an entire industry, ignore the facts, offer tired examples as brilliant self-aggrandizement, and demonstrate a poor understanding of her supposed field of expertise (culture). We often take a tongue-in-cheek approach to our coverage here, but we take the accuracy of our research and reporting very seriously.Read More
Be warned – there’s a complete end-end HRO schmooze-fest coming… to Atlanta!
The HR Outsourcing Association burns white-hot as it integrates the HRO buyers' group and the RPO Alliance into one star-studded, fully integrated cornucopia of HRORead More