Health plans, PCs… who cares? Did HP recruit the right Republican? With the 180-degree strategy flip over the “sale” of...Read More
Double-Dip Dynamics, Part I: 70% of buyers are sitting on the fence with their outsourcing plans in the current climate
Our new study that covered the intentions and observations of 534 buyers, advisors and providers with their sourcing strategies in the event of a "Double-Dip" Recession reveals one major shift in the industry: most buyers now recognize what their businesses need to improve to drive productivity, they simply are struggling to figure out how to marshall their internal and external resources to help them get there.Read More
HfS is awarded IIAR Analyst of the Year for second year in succession
The International Institute of Analyst Relations (IIAR) 2012 analyst awards: HfS Research wins the individual award for "Analyst of the Year" for a second year in succession in addition to Outsourcing Analyst Firm of the Year.Read More
A big cat for a big job: meet Tiger (Part II)
Part II of Phil Fersht's interview with Tiger Tyagarajan discussed the Genpact-specific opportunities and challenges that Tiger will be tackling in his new role as President and CEORead More
A big cat for a big job: meet Tiger (Part I)
Having survived a tough recession for the BPO industry, successfully fending off larger competitors baying for its blood, Genpact has recently taken a new direction - appointing NV "Tiger" Tyagarajan to take the helm from the irrepressible Pramod BhasinRead More
Where the boys are…
Deborah Kops bemoans why today's service providers are so male-dominatedRead More
Here is The BPO Resource Center: breaking new ground in research, learning and debate
Today, we have launched The BPO Resource Center that's geared to become THE one-stop shop for anyone seeking to learn more about Business Process Outsourcing - without having to pay thousands of dollars for the privilege. Read More
Eight top tips to prevent outsourcing providers committing harakiri in the sales process
Let's save you nice outsourcing providers the time, trouble and expense of getting advice on how not to sell yourself, and give you all the advice you need, right here, right now - and for absolutely nothingRead More
ADP jumps head-first into RPO with The RightThing acquisition, but will this be enough to take on the big players?
ADP has added another tool to its HR BPO toolbox with the acquisition of RPO provider The RightThing. The acquisition of the twenty-year old privately held firm is ADP’s first foray into the RPO market. Read More
Curious about Kurien? TK talks to HfS about his plans for Wipro
Wipro's CEO T. K. Kurien talks to HfS about his plans for WiproRead More