Co-authors and offshore evangelists Basab Pradhan and Gaurav Rastogi (click to view their new book) One of the most influential...Read More
The end of outsourcing as we know it… Part I
At the end of the day, it's not all about outsourcing and it's not all about shared services; it's about focusing on how to globalize processes, how to transform finance (and other) functions, and how to govern it all in a global business services context. There is no dominant model, it's more about achieving the right balance across all delivery models to achieve the best business goals. In conjunction with global accounting body ACCA, We spoke to 682 large organizations currently running finance in either an outsourced or shared service framework (or both) - and the results are emphatic: those organizations relying predominantly on outsourced delivery, or predominantly shared services, are viewing their finance delivery performance much more skepticallyRead More
And then there were six… meet the sourcing savants on the seventeenth
ver wondered what would happen if you brought the six most prominent IT and business services savants together for a one-hour debate on the future of the sourcing and services world? Well, wonder no more as this becomes a reality on 17th May at 12pm EST, 5pm GMTRead More
Infosys is officially processing in America to give y’all some BPO
We've been blessed today to be present at the official unveiling of InfosysBPO's first onshore US facility in Atlanta, primed to grow from an initial 200 seats to 1000 in the coming monthsRead More
“The best sourcing discussion that’s ever taken place. Period”
This was the ringing endorsement that came out of this week's "HfS 50 Sourcing Executive Council Blue Print Sessions" in New York City. Two days, 40 buyers representing $5bn of outsourcing spend, together for a whole day and a half, then greeted by six providers to engage in one of the most revealing, pure and pivotal discussions ever on where the sourcing and services industry is headed. Read More
Providers: Stop giving Deb Kops a headache and sort out your websites
It bollixes me that the best thing to hit outsourcing marketing since offshore locations is the advent of the website — inexpensive, flexible, interactive, data-rich, with worldwide reach, and offering the potential for clear differentiation. Yet why are outsourcing providers’ websites such an abysmal lot when, for many, they are buyers’ first introduction to a provider? Read More
Why did iGATE erase the Patni name?
While you can understand Xerox preferring their more famous and recognized brand to ACS, and the procurement guys simply wanted to sounder sexier, it's curious why iGate would drop the famous Patni brand barely a year after its mergerRead More
Poole’s Patter, Part III: Why do so many companies get SO hung up on technology decisions?
I’ve never understood why so many companies get SO hung up on technology decisions and so bought into spending huge sums of money paying consultants to reinvent the same wheel over and over againRead More
Missed the recent Procurement BPO slug-fest?
Missed last week's down-and-dirty Procurement BPO slug-fest between LA's Tony "Turbo-Charged" Filippone and Long Island's Bill "Bomber" Humber? Don't sweat it, as here's the replay of these two Industry heavy weightsRead More
Four reasons why HfS is busting up the traditional analyst model
At HfS, we're breaking the traditional mould of the "industry analyst firm" by doing four "disruptive" thingsRead More