You are not permitted to process any receivables…
So now Indian prisons are piloting BPO services for cost-savvy providers. Hmmm…
Some advantages:
- Very low attrition (dependent upon prison security)
- Wide range of available skills
- Extremely low cost
Some disadvantages:
- Concerns over use of voice work… “How can I help you, kind Sir…”
- Might cause a few minor branding issues for providers
- Lift-and-shift options are limited unless you can convice your whole finance department to raid the local bank with AK47s
HfS opinion:
A great strategy for locking in your clients, but they may feel a bit robbed. So not a lot of change there then 🙂
Posted in : Absolutely Meaningless Comedy
That’s very funny, Phil 🙂
At least we know that the data and IP will be locked down securely. No escaping from that…..