Globalization of labor and outsourcing will dominate Human Capital strategy in 2008


Worldatworklogo An interesting study conducted by WorldatWork, one of the leading HR executive organizations for F500 companies, has cited firms’ abilities to deploy a global strategy towards its workforce, the advancement of technology and the increase in outsourcing as having core implication for workforces in 2008. 

"Organizations will look for ways to pull jobs apart to find pieces to outsource. Thought must be given to the motivation of workers assigned pieces of the work."

No great surprises here, but hearing the "O" issue becoming so prevalently and openly debated by one of the most reputable HR bodies is a step forward.  The majority of other leading HR bodies are still sweeping the importance of outsourcing under the carpet, so it’s a significant mind-shift to see it reaching the top of the HR agenda.  I discussed here the crucial role HR strategy must take on when companies go through the outsourcing process (earlier this year).

Posted in : HR Outsourcing, HR Strategy

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