Year: 2017
Persistent Systems: Fast Growth Salesforce Practice with Healthcare Focus
We highlight the strengths of Persistent Systems in the Salesforce Services market.Read More
Location, location, location
Highlights and the infographic from our quarterly analysis of the service provider and shared service center location announcementsRead More
IoT is only transformational to a point: we need to evolve to the Banking of Things to mine its true potential
Getting connectivity to things is the start. It will become interesting when connectivity of things is extended to the payment of things and ultimately to the commerce and banking of things.Read More
3 Reasons Why You Should Care About Our New Blueprint Market Guide: “Predictive Capabilities in HCM Systems”
The Blueprint Market Guide includes trends, themes and related implications for both buyers and solution vendors-what to watch as this emerging area continues to evolve and recommendations for driving business value and ROI from these capabilities.Read More
It’s here, it’s real… it’s the 2017 RPA Blueprint deal!
HfS unveils the 2017 view of RPA software platformsRead More
Overcoming Blockchain’s Obstacles to Adoption
Slow or late adoption is a symptom of a challenge, not the challenge itself. So let’s take a quick look at what might slow or stall adoption, and what to do about it.Read More
Sticking to his education NIIT-ing… meet Arvind Thakur
Interview with NIIT Technologies CEO, Arvind Thakur, on the shift of IT services towards digitalizationRead More
NASSCOM 2017: Indian IT services paralyzed by Trump, but being a deer in the headlights is not an option
The smart strategy is to expect the worst and make measures now to get in front of it....Read More
Supplier Relationship Management in 2017: It’s all about talent, standardizing processes, and RPA
Supplier Collaboration and the changing nature of the engagement between buyer and supplier is top of mind for many executives. This preempts the rise of Supplier Relationship Management efforts.Read More
The offshore shift left part 3 – Q4 wasn’t that good…
New chart that updates to include Q4 revenuesRead More